I was honored when Sara and Jim called to ask if I would photograph their maternity portraits. Jim is a high school friend of Chad's and mine, which made the whole session even more special. It was easy to see how much these two care for each other. This baby will be wrapped in love the moment he arrives! Thank you Jim and Sara, it was a blast.
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The Artist
I am ... amazed by my kids. in love with my husband. a runner. a little sassy. always in jeans. proud to be a Brewer's season ticket holder. not a fan of shoes. silly. addicted to Broccoli. inspired by my family. a photographer.
Over the past 10 years I have dabbled in the world of photography--Spending hours in the darkroom in high school, working at a 'cookie cutter' portrait studio in the mall, furthering my experience and education through local college and online courses. Recently, I have made the decision to share this love with others; with YOU. I want to create a custom portrait experience for you and your family. Real. Life. Art.