Saturday, February 20, 2010

Congratulations to our Model Search Winner!

The results are in, and it was a very close race.  I am proud to announce the winner of the Creekside Model Search...Miss Maci! Thank you to all of the participants, we had a great showing.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Meet Miss M

I was so excited when Rachael called to schedule a newborn session for her beautiful daughter.  Even at nearly 4 weeks this cutie pie was still just a little peanut. Adam and Rachael, thank you so much for inviting me into your home to capture such precious moments of your new daughter. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Creekside Model Search...cast your vote now!

Thank you to all the Creekside neighbors who came by this past Saturday. We had a great turn let's bring on the Model Search!  I believe there are 15 cuties total, but sorry, it's one vote per user.  Cast your vote via the 'poll' to the right. Each image is labeled on the bottom corner. Simply vote for the corresponding letter and you are all set! The more the merrier, send a link to friends and family. Polls will close on Friday, February 19th at 9:00pm.

The Model Search winner will be announced on Saturday, February 20th.  Thanks again, it was a pleasure working with everyone!