Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Discounted Creation Fee

We did it! We reached our the 150+ Fan mark on Facebook.  As promised, all sessions scheduled between now and February 28, 2010 will receive a 25% discount.  This means your next session's Creation Fee (sitting fee) is only $75.00!!

To schedule your next portrait session please call (414) 839-5481 or email me at:

Thanks everyone...and keep spreading the word!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Finally on Facebook

I know, I know...this is way overdue! Sarah Campeau Photography finally has a Facebook page. To celebrate, we are having a 'FAN'tastic Facebook Promotion.

  • Creation (sitting) Fees will be discounted based on the number of fans we can generate between now and January 17, 2010. All you need to do is make sure interested friends become fans of Sarah Campeau Photography.
  • The more fans we get the larger the discount becomes. 150+ fans = $25.00 discount on Creation Fee for sessions scheduled between Jan 18th-Feb 28th (2010)
  • As of today we are up to 133 FANS! If we can generate 250 Fans discounts increase to $50.

Thank you for your support and help in promoting Sarah Campeau Photography. Make sure to check back for other exciting promotions and contests.